How To Prepare Your Taxes The Right Way

Get help on how to prepare your taxes the right way with Woodbine Tax Preparation.

Woodbine Tax Preparation How To Prepare Your Taxes The Right Way

The end of the year is coming to a close, and a new one is fast approaching. We all know what that means – the beginning of tax season. The best practice to remember is to be proactive rather than reactive! Living in Toronto for many years, I’ve gotten help to compile a list from Woodbine Tax Preparation to help local customers about getting the proper advice and support needed when getting taxes filed. Woodbine’s local tax expert, Gurblr Kalra, is here to assist you with your taxes and any other financial advice.

Follow these important steps for Woodbine Tax Preparation:

  1. Choose someone you trust to prepare your taxes: ask your friends and family for a referral, and look at online reviews to find someone that will be right for you.
  2. Schedule an appointment with your chosen preparer: don’t leave scheduling your appointment until the last minute – time slots will fill up quickly as we approach tax season.
  3. Gather your information returns: after receiving all of the information you need, compile them and put them in a folder, so you won’t forget any when you go to your appointment.
  4. Assemble all of your receipts: talk to your tax expert and learn what receipts you should itemize for your personal deductions instead of the standard deduction.
  5. Do you have any charitable contributions? Bring those too!
  6. Make sure you’re aware of any changes in Canada’s tax laws
  7. Gather all personal information needed: some important information includes your Social Security Number, a piece of ID, and information of your properties.
  8. Bring a copy of last year’s returns

Find out more about Softron’s experience with Woodbine Tax Preparation, click here. And feel free to talk to their friendly staff about any questions you have about this year’s upcoming tax pain!

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